Physical and Cyber Convergence - Klavan Security Services

KLAVAN Security Services provides customized physical and cyber security services to achieve holistic and effective solutions to protect valued assets. KLAVAN Security Services, with a presence in Canada, United States and Europe, has experience in integrating physical and information security for Governmental bodies and private industry.

KLAVAN Security Services extends its physical security services into the cyber security realm, in areas such as operational technology (OT). It also focuses on the physical environment in manufacturing facilities, commercial venues and office buildings utilizing various tools such as access control, alarms and camera surveillance, to increase safety and security.

KLAVAN Security Services has found that organizations typically segregate physical security and information security creating a disjointed “silo” effect. As a result, security assessments often require data collection from multiple departments, including facilities management, IT, and HR. Many vendors provide segregated security services with tools that are limited in both scope and function and are not interoperable with other business requirements. These strategy deficiencies lead to operational dysfunction and increases the propensity for the continuation of existing or the creation of new security gaps. The consequence of segmented security can be observed by the implementation of an ineffective complex security system, with high costs of acquisition and resources to manage and operate.

KLAVAN Security Services recommends that any security enhancement initiative begin with a security assessment to identify an understanding of risks and the existential threat environment that the organization faces. Optimal security solutions must take into consideration organizational size, budget, and business goals. The establishment of a security culture or posture requires supportive leadership and collaboration among departments across the organization.

KLAVAN Security Services works with organizations to adopt an overarching approach to business security requirements. The current threat environment demands organizations adapt or face serious consequences for their failure.

The lessons learned in integrating security from KLAVAN Security Services:

  1. Integration of security needs support from leadership, clear and consistent communication across the organization and proper planning.

  2. While the IT department is a critical partner in Cyber Security, the ownership for such a role sits squarely in the organizational C-Suite, with regular reporting to the Board of Directors (Where applicable).

  3. IT and Physical security are integral to business continuity and disaster recovery strategies.

  4. Create policies, procedures, and follow standards which are holistic and based on threats and risks e.g., consolidated access control policies.

  5. Training and awareness program based on relevant attack vectors. Trained employees are key assets to the development of a safe and secure environment. They must form the base of your security culture.

  6. Select third party providers that offer systems interoperability with other security tools. The intent is to promote a unified approach to security to avoid cumbersome tooling zoo.


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