Securing your Privacy and Data Across Borders - uOttawa PDI

Late 2023, our very own Andrew Amaro, had the pleasure to speak at uOttawa Professional Development Institute

Here is a link to the recording:

"Learn how to safeguard your privacy and digital rights in an increasingly globalized, borderless digital landscape. Join Andrew Amaro, former member of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Counterterrorism/Proliferation Technology Group at the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) for an in-person briefing on the essential knowledge required to help you navigate privacy concerns while travelling."

hashtag#uottawa hashtag#privacy hashtag#travelling hashtag#databreach hashtag#dataprotection hashtag#gdpr hashtag#cybersecurity hashtag#opsec hashtag#bordersecurity hashtag#airportsecurity


Shadow Tactics - PodCast by the Klavan Team and Guests


Klavan’s very own Andrew Amaro speaks at BSides Ottawa Hacking Conference - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada